28 March, 2014

April | Observing the Planets

1/04/2014 | Observing the Planets from Richard Pearson on Vimeo.

Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn are on view this season, and with a Total Eclipse of the Moon taking place on April 15th, this month we take look at how best to make observations of the planets. I would like to acknowledge the valuable assistance of Daniele Gasparri (Italy), Trevor Berry, Darral and Patricia Malilka (Australia) for allowing me to use some of their splendid images of the planets in this month's program.

21 March, 2014

The Great Bear

Ursa Major (The great bear) is the most famous of the constellations visible all year round in the northern hemisphere. In this program Sir Patrick Moore introduces us to the 'Bear' and what you can see with small telescopes.

12 March, 2014

Magnificent Saturn on 7th March


A photograph By Trevor Berry using a 16 inch Newtonian telescope.

In the April edition of Astronomy & Space we take a look at the planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn, and how to observe them.

More of these splendid photographs in the program.

Richard Pearson