20 July, 2012

Author's Preface to Book 1 & Video Interview from 2000

(C) Journeyman Pictures

In April 1957 BBC Television invited me to present a series of astronomical programmes under the general title of The Sky at Night. Some time later, Mr Maurice Ashley, Editor of The Listener, invited me to contribute articles on the same theme, based entirely on the programmes, though not verbatim reports (which would have been impossible in any case, since I never use a script when I am 'on the air'; I cannot broadcast that way). It has now been decided to issue some of these in book form, but I feel that one thing should be made clear at the outset: the articles have been published before - the dates are given - and so are not new contributions. Moreover, there is a certain inevitable overlap with other books that I have written. I have done my best to select the articles in which overlap is cut to a minimum, but I would not wish anyone to buy the present book under a false impression!

At this point I should express my sincere thanks to Mr Ashley; it has always been a pleasure to write for The Listener.

The method adopted here has been to reproduce the articles in the original form, though in one or two cases I have added foot­notes to bring them fully up to date, and there are a couple of instances in which I have made deletions so as to avoid including anything which has now been superseded. The articles have been arranged in chronological order, which seemed to be the best way. It is very pleasant to think that the articles have caused sufficient interest to warrant their being issued in a book, and I am most grateful to all those who have given me help in both the television programmes and in the present production.


East Grinstead August 1964

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